The Frames Live At Whelan’s :: Chapter I…
Live on YouTube: Hospital Records (All Stars) at Virgin Media’s Our Hous… (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)…
dalcrose: 3호선 버터플라이 헤어지는 날 바로 오늘 약 1년 전, 라이브. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)…
reuters: Welcome to the world of military-style boot camps designed to wean young people off their addiction to being online. There are as many as 250 such camps in China alone. A look inside: http://bit.ly/1pTkFkK 한국인줄 알았는데 중국이었네 허허…
Why you don’t need to run SSHd in your Docker containers | Docker Blog Dongsu Jang: 니네들이 도커 컨테이너에 ssh로 접속할라꼬 컨테이너마다 sshd를 띄우고 있다면 니네들은 분명 뻘짓하고 있는 거시여~ http://t.co/vOLX6Cz6L3 드끔~ -_-;;;;…